AWX Trigger Pipeline
The AWX Trigger pipeline is responsible for triggering Ansible Tower jobs in AWX. It allows you to automate the execution of specific job templates from within your Jenkins pipeline.
Before running the AWX Trigger pipeline, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
- Jenkins: Set up Jenkins on your system or cluster.
- Ansible Tower: Install and configure Ansible Tower, also known as AWX, and set up the necessary job templates.
- Jenkins Credentials: Create a Jenkins credential of type "Username with password" to store the AWX credentials. This credential should be referenced as
in the pipeline.
Pipeline Configuration
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Trigger Docker Ansible Tower Job') {
steps {
ansibleTower jobTemplate: 'docker',
jobType: 'run', scmBranch: 'main',
throwExceptionWhenFail: false,
towerCredentialsId: 'awxcredentials ',
towerLogLevel: 'full', towerServer: 'awx'
stage('Trigger Dev Tools Ansible Tower Job') {
steps {
ansibleTower jobTemplate: 'devtools',
jobType: 'run', scmBranch: 'main',
throwExceptionWhenFail: false,
towerCredentialsId: 'awxcredentials ',
towerLogLevel: 'full', towerServer: 'awx'
Stages and Steps
The AWX Trigger pipeline consists of the following stages:
- Trigger Docker Ansible Tower Job: This stage triggers the Docker job template in AWX.
- Trigger Dev Tools Ansible Tower Job: This stage triggers the Dev Tools job template in AWX.
Each stage uses the ansibleTower
step to trigger the corresponding job template in AWX.
stage('Trigger Docker Ansible Tower Job') {
steps {
ansibleTower jobTemplate: 'docker',
jobType: 'run', scmBranch: 'main',
throwExceptionWhenFail: false,
towerCredentialsId: 'awxcredentials',
towerLogLevel: 'full', towerServer: 'awx'
In this example, the ansibleTower
step is used to trigger the docker
job template. Adjust the jobTemplate
parameter to match the name of your Docker job template in AWX. You can also customize other parameters according to your specific requirements.
stage('Trigger Dev Tools Ansible Tower Job') {
steps {
ansibleTower jobTemplate: 'devtools',
jobType: 'run', scmBranch: 'main',
throwExceptionWhenFail: false,
towerCredentialsId: 'awxcredentials',
towerLogLevel: 'full', towerServer: 'awx'
In this example, the ansibleTower
step is used to trigger the devtools
job template. Adjust the jobTemplate
parameter to match the name of your Dev Tools job template in AWX. Customize other parameters as needed.
Make sure to replace awxcredentials
with the actual Jenkins credential ID for your AWX credentials.
Remember to adjust the towerServer
value to match the AWX server you are using.
Please note that this is a simplified overview of the pipeline, and you may need to modify it according to your specific requirements and environment.