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Integration with Grafana

Integrate Keycloak with Grafana

1. Create a "grafana" Realm using Keycloak's web interface.

2. Navigate to the location where the Keycloak Terraform file is stored:

cd infrastructure/modules/keycloak

3. Modify the default values of the file to match the IP or domain of your Keycloak and Grafana services:

# ip or hostname of the keycloak server
variable "keycloak" {
type = string
description = "keycloak ip or hostname"
default = "http://<put here the ip or the domain of keycloak service>"
# grafana ip or hostname
variable "grafana" {
type = string
description = "grafana redirect uri ip or hostname"
default = "http://<put here the ip or the domain of grafana service>/login/generic_oauth"

4. Run the following command to create the configuration and users:

terraform init
terraform apply --auto-aprouve

5. Navigate to your newly created Realm in Keycloak and add a password for your USER and ADMIN.

6. In Grafana_values.yaml, update the IP address in the grafana.ini section.

# go to the line  692
enabled: true
name: Keycloak
allow_sign_up: true
scopes: profile,email,groups
auth_url: <Keycloak service ip or domain>/auth/realms/grafana/protocol/openid-connect/auth
token_url: <Keycloak service ip or domain>/auth/realms/grafana/protocol/openid-connect/token
api_url: <Keycloak service ip or domain>/auth/realms/grafana/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
client_id: grafana
client_secret: grafana-client-secret
role_attribute_path: contains(groups[*], 'grafana-admin') && 'Admin' || contains(groups[*], 'grafana-dev') && 'Editor' || 'Viewer'
# this is for grafana url
root_url: <grafana ip or domain name>

7. Navigate back to Grafana Chart and Upgrade the changes you made

helm upgrade grafana grafana/grafana -f grafana_values.yaml